Relationship Enhancement Therapy

RELATIONSHIP ENHANCEMENTHappy, healthy & meaningful relationships can have an incredible positive impact on our life. A relationship filled with support, fondness, intimacy and mutual respect can not only be meaningful and enjoyable-it can also influence our self-confidence, bring a sense of well being, and provide us with support through difficult times.

At times, many couples-even those that are in happy and healthy relationships- describe feeling “stalled” or in a “rut” in their relationship. Couples can often go through a period during which both or one of the partners may feel that they are growing apart, losing a sense of closeness, sometimes feel not loved or appreciated and get “stuck” while problem solving certain issues. No relationship is perfect, but at times you may feel that your relationship can be better than it is now, and that you would like to foster a deeper connection with your partner and grow as a couple.

Relationship Enhancement Services

As a clinical psychologist, providing couples therapy, Dr. Ahmed & associates provide relationship enhancement services during which couples develop a better understanding of their relationship, deepen their emotional connection, examine current obstacles in their relationship and develop ways to overcome them.

The sessions focus on important cornerstones of a thriving relationship, including:

  • Enhancing your communication style with your partner
  • Building and growing marital friendship
  • Developing a better understanding for your partner’s hope, dreams, and goals for your life together
  • Creating a shared meaning for your life together
  • Fostering an intimate relationship with an abundance of fondness and affection.
  • Improving your relationship satisfaction

We’ll work on strategies that enhance your commitment to each other, and give you the tools, activities, and guidance that your relationship needs to continue to grow. We’ll also explore any issues that may have been holding you back, and help you move on from any struggles that may have caused you to feel “stuck” in the way your relationship has been growing.

Research suggests that relationship satisfaction is achieved by doing small things in your relationship rather than by grand gestures. Sometimes only a slight change in behavior can make a big difference in the long term success of a relationship. If you are looking to increase the quality of your relationship further and would like to build a deeper and meaningful connection with your partner, contact Dr. Ahmed & associates for a consultation.


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What is Emotional Manipulation?

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Emotional manipulation is when someone tries to manage the emotions of another person, or exert...Read More

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